On humanising your brand and how to do it.

2 min readSep 21, 2020

Get up close and personal.

People respond to people — so stop putting on a pretentious facade when communicating as a brand or company online. Dare to be relatable and show your audience not only why you are doing what you are doing, but also who does it.

How to start? Maybe try..

User-generated content.
Sharing user-generated content is a double win: First, it’s exciting and flattering to the users who get their post featured on your feed — second, it shows other consumers that those people already enjoy your products and that you engage with your audience and value their feedback. Potential costumers will see real-life people loving your products, which will promote trust in your brand.
For some inspiration head over to baggu or airbnb.

ugc done right by baggu & airbnb

Let them in. Transparency is key.
There’s for sure a story behind that company name, product, and journey — share it! Transparency creates vulnerability, but also likability and gives people a chance to relate to you and a reason to want to keep following and supporting you. Be sure to tie the stories that you share in with your mission and brand values. Always try to come back to your why and share the things that motivate you and make your brand.

Be yourself. And show them who that is.
Don’t hesitate to take your audience on a tour behind the scenes — show them your office, your team members, the office pet, your favourite memes — everything that shows off your personality as a company and beyond that. Showing a more laid-back, playful side will help consumers see that you’re not just a business focused on selling a product — you’re a human who can put aside your seriousness and have some fun.
One of my favourite examples regarding this has to be Augarten Porzellan, an otherwise very conservative porcelain manufactory with centuries-old tradition from Vienna (Austria), who posted memes with their porcelain figures and managed to attracted a completely different audience on instagram.


So don’t be shy and dare to take risks! 🌝




on social media, content strategy, pop culture and everything in between.